TransPublication2 Object

The TransPublication2 object represents a transactional or snapshot publication. A publication contains one or more articles (tables or stored procedures) that contain replicated data. The TransPublication2 object extends the functionality of the TransPublication object.

AllowDTS Property FTPLogin Property
AllowQueuedTransactions Property FTPPassword Property
AltSnapshotFolder Property FTPPort Property
CentralizedConflicts Property FTPSubdirectory Property
CompatibilityLevel Property (MergePublication2, TransPublication2) InActiveDirectory Property
ConflictPolicy Property PostSnapshotScript Property
ConflictRetention Property PreSnapshotScript Property
FTPAddress Property QueueType Property

BrowseSnapshotFolder Method (TransPublication2) ValidatePublication Method (TransPublication2)
CopySnapshot Method (TransPublication2) ValidateSubscriptions Method
ReplicateUserDefinedScript Method  


The TransPublication2 object extends the functionality of the TransPublication object for use with features that are new in Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000. It also inherits the properties and methods of the TransPublication object. With the TransPublication2 object, you can:

The methods and properties of the TransPublication2 object may not be compatible with instances of SQL Server version 7.0 or earlier. For information about using the TransPublication2 object in an application that also runs with an instance of SQL Server 7.0, refer to the Remarks section for specific methods and properties. For more information, see Programming Extended SQL-DMO Objects.

See Also

TransPublication Object