Registry Object

The Registry object exposes the Microsoft® Windows NT® 4.0, Microsoft® Windows 2000®, or Microsoft Windows® 98 registry settings that maintain an instance of Microsoft SQL Server™ and run-time parameters.

AutostartDTC Property NumberOfProcessors Property
AutostartLicensing Property PerfMonMode Property
AutostartMail Property PhysicalMemory Property
AutostartServer Property RegisteredOrganization Property
CaseSensitive Property RegisteredOwner Property
CharacterSet Property ReplicationInstalled Property
ErrorLogPath Property SortOrder Property
MailAccountName Property SQLDataRoot Property
MailPassword Property SQLRootPath Property
MasterDBPath Property TapeLoadWaitTime Property
NTEventLogging Property  


With the Registry object, you can:

Changes to property values of the Registry object are applied to the referenced instance of SQL Server as they are made.

To set a SQL Server run-time parameter

  1. Get the Registry object from a connected SQLServer object.

  2. Set the parameter. For example, to cause the SQL Server service (MSSQLServer) to start automatically when the system is started, set the AutostartServer property to TRUE.

    Note  The Registry object is compatible with instances of SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server version 7.0. However, the Registry2 object extends the functionality of the Registry object for use with features that are new in SQL Server 2000.

See Also

Registry2 Object