ReadMediaHeader Method (BackupDevice)

The ReadMediaHeader method returns a QueryResults object that enumerates the values of a backup media header record.

Applies To
BackupDevice Object


object.ReadMediaHeader( ) as QueryResults



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT ReadMediaHeader(


A QueryResults object containing zero or one result set defined by these columns.

Column Data type Description
MediaName nvarchar(130) Name of the media.
MediaSetId nvarchar(39) System-generated unique identifier for the media set. NULL when the media contains only a single media set.
FamilyCount integer Number of families within the media set.
FamilySequenceNumber integer Ordinal position of the family within the entire media set.
MediaFamilyId nvarchar(39) System-generated unique identifier for the media family.
MediaSequenceNumber integer Ordinal position of the media within its family.
MediaLabelPresent tinyint When 1, the MediaDescription column reports the contents of the Microsoft Tape Format label.

When 0, no label is present for the media. The MediaDescription column reports informative text.

MediaDescription nvarchar(256) Descriptive text. Interpret by using the value returned in the MediaLabelPresent column.
SoftwareName nvarchar(65) Name of the product creating the media header.
SoftwareVendorId integer Unique identifier of the manufacturer of the product creating the media header.
MediaDate smalldatetime Creation date and time of the media header.


A database backup performed by Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 can target multiple devices of a single type and can span multiple media maintained by the device. To organize media used in backup, SQL Server defines the media set and media family. A media label, or header record, maintains data about a media's location within a media set and media family.

When the media of a backup device is unused or unlabeled, such as when a disk device is empty, the ReadMediaHeader method succeeds, returning an empty QueryResults object.

See Also

Using Media Sets and Families