A media set can contain one or more backup sets and describes all of the media used by those backup sets, regardless of the number of media or backup devices involved. For example, if four tape backup devices are used when creating a database backup, and five tapes per tape backup device are used to store the backup, the media set contains 20 tapes.
A media family describes all the media used by a single backup device for a single backup set. In the example earlier, there are four media families with each set of five tapes used by each tape backup device comprising one media family.
Note Only tape backup devices use continuation media, allowing Microsoft® SQL Server™ to continue writing the backup after the initial tape is full.
To distinguish between each physical medium used within a media family, each medium is tagged with a sequence number to specify the order in which the media were used. The initial media is tagged with 1, the second media (the first continuation media) is tagged with 2, and so on. These sequence numbers are used when the backup set is restored to ensure that the operator restoring the backup mounts the correct media in the correct order. Additionally, media families within a media set are numbered sequentially.
When appending a backup set to a media set containing multiple media families, you must mount the last media in the family. If the last media is not mounted, SQL Server scans forward to the end of the media, requiring media to be changed until the last media in the family is mounted correctly.
Each SQL Server backup is stored on a media set, regardless of the number of backup devices used by the individual backup operation. Examples of media sets include:
When using multiple backup devices: