Dependency constants control the behavior of the EnumDependencies method exposed by several SQL-DMO objects.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMODep_Children | 262144 | List all Microsoft® SQL Server™ components that depend on the referenced SQL Server component. |
SQLDMODep_DRIOnly | 2097152 | List only SQL Server components that depend on the referenced SQL Server component in a DRI relationship. |
SQLDMODep_FirstLevelOnly | 1048576 | List only immediate parents. Combine with SQLDMODep_Children to list only immediate children. |
SQLDMODep_FullHierarchy | 65536 | List full parent hierarchy. Combine with SQLDMODep_Children to list full child hierarchy. |
SQLDMODep_IncludeSystem | 4194304 | Include system objects. |
SQLDMODep_OrderDescending | 131072 | Apply descending order to returned list. |
SQLDMODep_Parents | 0 | List all objects on which the referenced SQL Server component depends. |
SQLDMODep_ReturnInputObject | 524288 | Include SQL Server component referenced by the SQL-DMO object in the list returned. |
SQLDMODep_Valid | 8323072 | All dependency constants combined by using an OR logical operator. |