EnumDependencies Method

The EnumDependencies method returns a QueryResults object that enumerates Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 database user objects and user object dependency relationships.

Applies To
Database Object Table Object
DBObject Object Trigger Object
ReplicationStoredProcedure Object View Object
StoredProcedure Object UserDefinedFunction Object


object.EnumDependencies( [ DependencyType ] ) as QueryResults



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list


Long integer that directs output as described in Settings

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT EnumDependencies(


Specify the value of the DependencyType argument using these SQLDMO_DEPENDENCY_TYPE values.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMODep_Children 262144 Lists all components that depend on the referenced SQL Server component.
SQLDMODep_DRIOnly 2097152 Lists components that depend on the referenced SQL Server component in a DRI relationship.
SQLDMODep_FirstLevelOnly 1048576 Lists only immediate parents. Combine with SQLDMODep_Children to list only immediate children.
SQLDMODep_FullHierarchy 65536 Alters the default result set describing hierarchy relationship in a result set row.
SQLDMODep_OrderDescending 131072 Applies descending order to returned list.
SQLDMODep_Parents 0 Lists all objects on which the referenced SQL Server component depends.
SQLDMODep_ReturnInputObject 524288 Includes SQL Server component referenced by the SQL-DMO object in the list returned.
SQLDMODep_Valid 4128768 All dependency constants combined using an OR logical operator.


A QueryResults object that contains up to three result sets. When no user-defined data types, defaults, or rules are contained in the dependency tree, a single result set is returned, defined by these columns.

Column Data type Description
oObjName nvarchar(129) Database object name.
oOwner nvarchar(129) Database object owner name.
oSequence smallint Indicator of distance in the hierarchy between the specified object and the object listed.
oType integer Database object type, enumerated by SQLDMO_OBJECT_TYPE.
RelName nvarchar(129) Displayed when SQLDMODep_FullHierarchy is specified. Hierarchically-related database object name.
RelOwner nvarchar(129) Displayed when SQLDMODep_FullHierarchy is specified. Hierarchically-related database object owner name.
RelType integer Displayed when SQLDMODep_FullHierarchy is specified. When the RelName value is nonNULL, RelType is the hierarchically related database object type, enumerated by SQLDMO_OBJECT_TYPE. When RelName value is NULL, the value 0 is returned and can be ignored.

When the dependency tree contains defaults, rules, or user-defined data types, one or two additional result sets are returned by the EnumDependencies method. When rules or defaults are contained, a result set is returned, defined by these columns.

Column Data type Description
oOwner nvarchar(129) Database object owner name.
oRuleDefName nvarchar(129) Database object name.
oSequence smallint Indicator of distance in the hierarchy between the specified object and the object listed.
oType integer Database object type, enumerated by SQLDMO_OBJECT_TYPE. Value is SQLDMOObj_Default or SQLDMOObj_Rule for all rows.

When user-defined data types are contained in the dependency tree, a result set that enumerates the data types is returned. The user-defined data type result set is defined by these columns.

Column Data type Description
oType integer Database object type, enumerated by SQLDMO_OBJECT_TYPE. Value is SQLDMOObj_UserDefinedDatatype for all rows.
oUDDTName nvarchar(129) User-defined data type name.
oOwner nvarchar(129) User-defined data type owner name.
oSequence smallint Indicator of distance in the hierarchy between the specified object and the object listed.