Meta Data Services Programming

RTblIfaceHier SQL Table

RTblIfaceHier stores the transitive closure of the interface hierarchy.

Column name Data type Description
BaseID RTIntID The internal identifier for a base InterfaceDef object
AncestorID RTIntID The internal identifier for an InterfaceDef object that is an ancestor of the base InterfaceDef object


The RTblIfaceHier table maintains mapping information that supports circular and extended interface relationships. In this table, complex chains of inheritance are broken down into a series of BaseID and AncestorID pairs until the complete inheritance relationship is expressed as isolated pairs of interfaces.

Interface inheritance represents a many-to-many relationship. An interface identifier can be an AncestorID column in one pairing and a BaseID column in another pairing. All combinations of interface pairs, whether implicitly or explicitly related, are expressed in the RTblIfaceHier table.

The primary key for this table is formed by the BaseID and AncestorID columns.

See Also

Repository SQL Data Types

Repository SQL Schema

Repository SQL Tables