Meta Data Services Programming

RTblTypeInfo SQL Table

RTblTypeInfo stores aliases of class, interface and relationship objects.

Column name Data type Description
IntID RTIntID The internal identifier for the member definition object.
Z_BranchID_Z RTBrID The branch identifier for repository API versioning. It is reserved for proprietary use by the repository engine. The value of this column is always zero.
Z_VS_Z RTVerID An identifier for repository API versioning. It is reserved for proprietary use by the repository engine. The value of this column is always zero.
Z_VE_Z RTVerID An identifier for repository API versioning. It is reserved for proprietary use by the repository engine. The value of this column is always VERINFINITY.
Synonym Varchar,
127 bytes
A string used as an alias name. The maximum length for this value is 127 bytes.


The RTblTypeInfo table extends the repository API to allow classes, interfaces and relationships to be referred to by multiple names as aliases.

The primary key for this table is formed by the IntID, Z_BranchID_Z, and Z_VS_Z columns.

Z_BranchID_Z, Z_VS_Z, and Z_VE_Z are included to provide future support for versioning repository API definitions in case more than one version of this repository API structure is created.

See Also

CollectionDef Class

CollectionDef Object

MethodDef Class

MethodDef Object

PropertyDef Class

PropertyDef Object

Repository SQL Data Types

Repository SQL Schema

Repository SQL Tables