Meta Data Services Programming

IReposTypeLib2 Prefix Property

This property stores the prefix of an interface name to distinguish an interface from other identically named interfaces. Attaching a prefix guarantees that a class that implements interfaces from different information models does not introduce a name conflict when both interfaces share the same name. The prefix is also used in XML for identifying namespaces (for example, "Uml" in UmlElement).

The maximum length for this prefix is 255 characters.

For the Open Information Model (OIM), prefix values are added during model installation. If no prefix is specified, the first three letters of the information model name are applied as a default value.

For the latest version of the Meta Data Coalition (MDC) OIM, prefix values must be added programmatically. Prefix values are not added during model installation.

Dispatch Identifier:   DISPID_IReposTypeLib2Prefix

Property Data Type:    string

See Also

IManageReposTypeLib Interface

IReposTypeLib Interface

ReposTypeLib Class