Meta Data Services Programming

ReposTypeLib Class

There is one repository type library for every information model contained in a repository database. Each information model provides a logical grouping of all of the type definitions related to a particular application, tool, or tool set that you are developing. Repository type libraries are instances of the ReposTypeLib class.

To insert a new information model into a repository database, use the ReposRoot class.

When to Use

Use the ReposTypeLib class to:

Interface Description
IAnnotationalProps Gets and sets annotational properties
INamedObject Retrieves or sets the class name
IRepositoryDispatch Provides enhanced dispatch support
IRepositoryItem Manages repository objects and relationships
IRepositoryObject Retrieves repository object identifiers
IRepositoryObjectStorage Creates and loads repository objects
IReposTypeLib Creates class, interface, and relationship definitions for a repository type library
IReposTypeLib2 Defines dependencies between information models
IVersionAdminInfo2 Retains properties inherited from IVersionAdminInfo and sets or retrieves version comments

See Also

ReposRoot Class

ReposTypeLib Object

RTIM Classes