Meta Data Services Programming

Manipulating Versioned Relationships

Access to relationships is supported at both the COM level and the Automation level. Given a versioned relationship that connects two repository object versions, you can perform the operations listed in the following table. These operations are performed relative to a specific version of the source object.

To Use
Pin the destination object version The Pin method of the IVersionedRelationship interface.
Unpin the destination object version The Unpin method of the IVersionedRelationship interface.
Retrieve (a version of) the target object The Target property of the IRelationship interface.
Retrieve the source object version The Source property of the IRelationship interface.
Create a new relationship to relate a new target object to a source object The Add method of the IRelationshipCol or ITargetObjectCol interface.
Relate a subsequent target object version to a source object The Add method for the TargetVersions collection. This collection is accessible through the IVersionedRelationship interface.

For more information, see the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services Software Development Kit (SDK).

See Also

Changing a Destination Relationship's Name

Repository API Reference

Versioning Objects

Version-to-Version Relationships