Meta Data Services Programming

Repository API Reference

The application programming interface (API) for information models and the repository engine is the Repository API. The Repository API is composed of interfaces that define information models, and interfaces that expose the functionality of the repository engine. The interfaces that define information models are collectively known as the Repository Type Information Model (RTIM).

The Repository API Reference contains the definitions for all the core engine APIs for Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services. These interfaces are documented at the Automation level for the Microsoft Visual Basic® programmer and at the Component Object Model (COM) level for the Microsoft Visual C++® programmer.

This table describes the sections of the Repository API reference documentation.

Section Description
Automation Reference Introduces the reference documentation for COM Automation objects and members.
COM Reference Introduces the reference documentation for COM classes, interfaces, and members.
Constants and Data Types Documents the constant and data types that you can use when programming with the repository API.
Enumerations Documents the enumerated values for a variety of flags.
Repository Errors Documents the errors generated by the repository engine.
Repository SQL Schema Documents the schema of the underlying SQL tables. The schema of the underlying SQL tables is documented to facilitate querying repository data directly through SQL.

For more information about programming against information models and the repository engine, see Programming Meta Data Services Applications.

For more information about other programming interfaces that you can use in Meta Data Services, see XML Encoding Reference and OLE DB Scanner Reference.

See Also

Getting Started with Meta Data Services

Repository Object Architecture