Meta Data Services

Ways to Use XML in Meta Data Services

Extensible Markup Language (XML) support for Open Information Model (OIM)-based meta data opens up new possibilities for publishing and sharing meta data. For example, you can build an application that creates XML and then let the repository engine manage it. You can also exchange meta data with other repositories and with other tools that use meta data. If you have two applications that understand the same XML format, you can exchange meta data between the two applications directly, without interacting with a repository database or the repository engine.

In Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services, you can use XML Encoding to achieve the following benefits. You can compare each benefit to the diagram to see how XML is used between repositories and applications.

The following diagram shows the relationship and flow of XML from one repository to another, and subsequently to other applications.

See Also

Open Standards: OIM, COM, XML

Using XML Encoding