Open standards are publicly available specifications that describe the characteristics of a technology. The objective of open standards is to promote interoperability. For integration platforms like Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services, interoperability is essential. For this reason, you find open interfaces and specifications used wherever possible in Meta Data Services architecture.
Meta Data Services supports three open standards: the Meta Data Coalition (MDC)
OIM is a standard information model that can be shared, reused, and extended. It is published by the MDC and is widely supported in the tool vendor market. The wide support of OIM makes it possible to use the same information model design in a variety of implementation tools.
In Meta Data Services, you can use OIM as a framework on which to build type information. OIM is not required by the repository engine or the API. However, when you use OIM, you can take advantage of resources and features in the Meta Data Services Software Development Kit (SDK) that greatly simplify your development effort. Furthermore, you can use information models in any OIM-compliant tool.
COM interfaces are binary specifications for building, using, and evolving component software. COM is supported in programming languages such as Microsoft Visual Basic®, Microsoft Visual C++®, and Microsoft Visual J++®. COM architecture and supporting infrastructure are developed and maintained by Microsoft.
When programming Meta Data Services, you can use COM interfaces defined in the repository API to access both the repository engine and your information model from your application code. Because the repository engine and information models are exposed as COM objects, the only thing that varies from one programming language to another is the COM-implementation strategy of your development platform.
XML is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard for the representation of information as structured documents. XML is used increasingly for data transport between heterogeneous systems.