Replication Programming

Object Model for ActiveX Controls

The table shows the Microsoft® ActiveX® controls and lists and describes their associated objects and collections.

ActiveX control Object Description
SQL Distribution Control SQLDistribution Object Provides the functionality of the Distribution Agent and supports synchronization of push, pull, or anonymous subscriptions to a transactional publication.
  SQLReplError Object Defines an error that occurred during processing by an ActiveX replication control.
  SQLReplErrors Collection Contains a SQLReplError object for each error that has occurred during the most recent method execution of an ActiveX replication control.
SQL Merge Control SQLMerge Object Provides the functionality of the Merge Agent and supports synchronization of push, pull, or anonymous subscriptions to a merge publication.
  AlternateSyncPartners Property Returns a reference to the AlternateSyncPartners collection.
  AlternateSyncPartners Collection Contains all of the AlternateSyncPartner objects.
  AlternateSyncPartner Object Defines an alternate synchronization partner that a subscription (referenced by the SQLMerge object) can use if the primary Publisher is not available, or if use of the alternate synchronization partner is preferable.
  SQLReplError Object Defines an error that occurred during processing by an ActiveX replication control.
  SQLReplErrors Collection Contains a SQLReplError object for each error that has occurred during the most recent method execution of an ActiveX replication control.
SQL Snapshot Control SQLSnapshot Object Creates a snapshot of the specified publication on the specified Distributor.
  SQLReplError Object Defines an error that occurred during processing by an ActiveX replication control.
  SQLReplErrors Collection Contains a SQLReplError object for each error that has occurred during the most recent method execution of an ActiveX replication control.

See Also

How Snapshot Replication Works

How Transactional Replication Works