Replication Programming

AlternateSyncPartners Property

The AlternateSyncPartners property returns a reference to the AlternateSyncPartners collection maintained by the SQLMerge object.

Applies To

SQLMerge Object



Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a SQLMerge object.


The AlternateSyncPartners collection contains the AlternateSyncPartner objects, which define the alternate Publishers that a subscription referenced by a SQLMerge object can employ if the primary Publisher is not available, or if the use of the alternate Publisher is preferable.

The alternate Publishers must be defined in the publication for the AlternateSyncPartners collection to be populated.

Data Type

AlternateSyncPartners Collection



Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT AlternateSyncPartners(IAlternateSyncPartners** pVal);