The MDStore interface supports the following properties.
Property | Description |
AggregationPrefix | Contains the prefix that associates the MDStore object with an aggregation in the store. |
AllowDrillThrough | Indicates whether drillthrough is allowed on the cube. |
Analyzer | The analyzer object for the store. |
ClassType | Returns an enumeration constant identifying the specific object type. |
DefaultMeasure | The name of the default measure for the object. |
Description | The description of the store. |
DrillThroughColumns | The columns that are included in a drillthrough query. |
DrillThroughFilter | The statement restricting rows that are returned by a drillthrough query. |
DrillThroughFrom | An SQL FROM clause with the names of the tables used in drillthrough queries. |
DrillThroughJoins | An SQL JOIN clause with the names of the tables used in drillthrough queries. |
EstimatedRows | The estimated number of rows in the store. |
EstimatedSize | Estimated size of all rows, in bytes, in the store. |
FromClause | A comma-separated list of the tables from which the store data is obtained. |
IsDefault | Indicates whether the store is the default store. |
IsReadWrite | Indicates whether the MDStore object is writable. |
IsTemporary | Indicates whether the object is temporary. |
IsValid | Indicates whether the store object is valid. |
IsVisible | Indicates whether a cube is visible to clients. |
JoinClause | A list of join conditions separated by AND. |
LastProcessed | The date and time a store was last processed. |
LastUpdated | A user-defined date. This property is not used by Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services. |
Name | The name of the store. |
OlapMode | Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the type of OLAP mode of the store. |
Parent | Returns a reference to the parent MDStore object. |
ProcessingKeyErrorLimit | Sets the number of allowable errors that can occur before processing will be stopped. |
ProcessingKeyErrorLogFileName | The UNC path to a file for logging dimension key errors encountered during processing. |
ProcessOptimizationMode | Indicates whether the Analysis server creates indexes and aggregations during or after processing. |
RemoteServer | The name of the remote server where the data for the MDStore object is stored. |
Server | Returns a reference to the DSO.Server object. |
SourceTable | The name of the source table for the store. |
SourceTableAlias | The alias of the source table for the MDStore object. |
SourceTableFilter | The SQL expression that specifies the source table records to include in the store. |
State | Returns an enumeration constant indicating the difference between the MDStore object that is referenced by the DSO client application and the corresponding MDStore object on the Analysis server. |
SubClassType | Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the subclass type of the object. |
The following table shows whether the property is read/write (R/W), read-only (R), or not applicable (n/a) for different objects.
Property | Database | Cube | Partition | Aggregation |
AggregationPrefix | R | R/W | R/W | R |
AllowDrillThrough | n/a | R/W | R | n/a |
Analyzer | n/a | R* | R | n/a |
ClassType | R | R | R | R |
DefaultMeasure | n/a | R/W | R | n/a |
Description | R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W |
DrillThroughColumns | n/a | R/W | R/W | n/a |
DrillThroughFilter | n/a | R/W | R/W | n/a |
DrillThroughFrom | n/a | R/W | R/W | n/a |
DrillThroughJoins | n/a | R/W | R/W | n/a |
EstimatedRows | n/a | R/W** | R/W | R/W |
EstimatedSize | R | R | R | R |
FromClause | n/a | R/W* | R/W | R/W |
IsDefault | n/a | n/a | R | R/W |
IsReadWrite | R | R | R/W | n/a |
IsTemporary | n/a | R | R | R |
IsValid | R | R | R | R |
IsVisible | n/a | R/W | n/a | n/a |
JoinClause | n/a | R/W* | R/W | R/W |
LastProcessed | R | R | R | R |
LastUpdated | R/W | R/W | R/W | R |
Name | R/W (R after the object has been named) | R/W (R after the object has been named) | R/W (R after the object has been named) | R/W (R after the object has been named) |
OlapMode | R/W | R/W* | R/W | R/W |
Parent | R | R | R | R |
RemoteServer | n/a | n/a | R/W | n/a |
Server | R | R | R | R |
SourceTable | n/a | R/W* | R/W | R/W |
SourceTableAlias | n/a | R/W | R/W | n/a |
SourceTableFilter | n/a | R/W* | R/W | n/a |
State | R | R | R | n/a |
SubClassType | R | R | R | R |
* This property is not applicable (n/a) for virtual cubes (that is, those of SubClassType sbclsVirtual).
** This property is read-only (R) for virtual cubes (that is, those of SubClassType sbclsVirtual).