Analysis Services Programming

Properties, clsPartitionLevel

An object of ClassType clsPartitionLevel implements the following properties of the Level interface.

Property Description
AreMemberKeysUnique Indicates whether the members of a level are uniquely identified by their member key column
AreMemberNamesUnique Indicates whether the members of a level are uniquely identified by their member name column
ClassType Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the specific object type
ColumnSize The size (in bytes) of the data in the member key column of the level
ColumnType The data type of the member key column of the level
CustomRollUpColumn Contains the name of the column that contains member-specific rollup instructions
CustomRollUpExpression Contains a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression used to override the default rollup mode
CustomRollUpPropertiesColumn Contains the name of the column that supplies cell properties for member-specific rollup instructions
Description Contains the level description
EnableAggregations Specifies whether aggregations are to be enabled for the level object
EstimatedSize Contains the estimated number of members in a level
FromClause Contains the SQL FROM clause for the level
Grouping Indicates the type of grouping used by the Analysis server
HideMemberIf Indicates whether a member should be hidden from client applications
IsDisabled Indicates whether the level is disabled
IsVisible Indicates whether the level is visible to client applications
IsValid Indicates whether the level structure is valid
JoinClause Contains the SQL JOIN clause for the level
LevelNamingTemplate Defines how levels in a parent-child hierarchy are named
LevelType Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the specific type of level
MemberKeyColumn Returns the name of the column that contains member keys of the partition level
MemberNameColumn Sets or returns the name of the column that contains member names
Name Contains the name of the level
Ordering Specifies the method to use when ordering the members of a level
OrderingMemberProperty Specifies a member property used to determine the ordering of members
OrdinalPosition Returns the ordinal position of the level in the Levels collection of the parent object
Parent Returns a reference to the parent dimension object
ParentKeyColumn Identifies the parent of a member in a parent-child hierarchy
RootMemberIf Determines how the root member or members of a parent-child hierarchy are identified
SkippedLevelsColumn Identifies the column that holds the number of empty levels between a member and its parent
SliceValue Contains the level member name used to define the partition slice
SubClassType Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the subclass type of the object
UnaryOperatorColumn Contains the name of a column that stores mathematical operators serving as member-specific rollup instructions for the level

See Also


Level Interface
