Analysis Services Programming

ColumnType (Level Interface)

The ColumnType property of the Level interface contains the data type of the level member key column.

Applies To





Data Type


The ColumnType property is set to one of the following enumerated values.

Column type Value
Big integer adBigInt
Binary adBinary
Boolean adBoolean
String (Unicode) adBSTR
Char adChar
Currency adCurrency
Date adDate
Date adDBDate
Time adDBTime
Timestamp adDBTimeStamp
Decimal adDecimal
Double adDouble
Integer adInteger
Numeric adNumeric
Single adSingle
Small integer adSmallInt
Tiny integer adTinyInt
Unsigned big integer adUnsignedBigInt
Unsigned integer adUnsignedInt
Unsigned small integer adUnsignedSmallInt
Unsigned tiny integer adUnsignedTinyInt
Text (Unicode) adWChar
Text adChar


Access depends on the value of the ClassType property of the object.

Class type Access
clsDatabaseLevel R/W*
clsCubeLevel R/W**
clsPartitionLevel R
clsAggregationLevel R

* Read-only for levels with automatic grouping (a level whose Grouping property is groupingAutomatic).

** Read-only for virtual cube levels and cube levels of a shared dimension (a parent Dimension object whose IsShared property is True).


The ColumnType property determines how the server will bind the member key column. This property must be set to a compatible type or processing the dimension or cube will result in an error.

The ColumnSize property always returns adInteger for levels with a SubClassType of sbclsRegular, sbclsParentChild, sbclsLinked, or sbclsMining that use automatic grouping (that is, the Grouping property is groupingAutomatic). Additionally, this property always returns adVarChar for levels with a SubClassType of sbclsVirtual.


Use the following code to specify an integer ColumnType:

' Assume an object (dsoDim) of ClassType clsDimension exists
Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Store Id")
dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = """store"".""store_number"""
dsoLev.ColumnSize = 4
dsoLev.ColumnType = adInteger
dsoLev.EstimatedSize = 24

See Also


Level Interface

Partition Storage