Analysis Services Programming

Properties, clsPartition

An object of ClassType clsPartition implements the following properties of the MDStore interface.

Property Description
AllowDrillThrough Indicates whether drillthrough is allowed on the partition.
AggregationPrefix The aggregation prefix for the partition store.
Analyzer The partition analyzer object for this partition.
ClassType Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the specific object type.
DefaultMeasure The name of the default measure for the partition.
Description The description of the partition.
DrillThroughColumns The list of columns that are included in a drillthrough query.
DrillThroughFilter A statement restricting rows that are returned by a drillthrough query.
DrillThroughFrom An SQL FROM clause with the names of the tables used in drillthrough queries.
DrillThroughJoins An SQL JOIN clause with the names of the tables used in drillthrough queries.
EnableRealTimeUpdates For relational OLAP (ROLAP) partitions, indicates whether real-time update capability is enabled for the partition.
EstimatedRows The estimated number of rows in the partition.
EstimatedSize The estimated size of all the rows in bytes.
FromClause Contains the SQL FROM clause from the list of tables used to define the partition's dimensions and measures.
IsDefault Indicates whether the partition is the default partition.
IsTemporary Indicates whether the partition should be stored in the repository.
IsReadWrite Indicates whether the partition object is writable.
IsValid Indicates whether the structure of the partition is valid.
JoinClause The JOIN clause (list of join conditions, separated by AND) for the partition.
LastProcessed The date and time the partition was last processed.
LastUpdated A user-specified date. It is not used by Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services.
LazyOptimizationProgress Indicates the progress of lazy optimization processing on a multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) partition.
Name The name of the partition.
OlapMode Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the type of OLAP storage mode.
Parent Returns a reference to the parent MDStore object.
ProcessingKeyErrorLimit Sets the number of allowable errors that cause processing to cease.
ProcessingKeyErrorLogFileName The UNC path to a file for logging dimension key errors encountered during processing.
RemoteServer The name of the remote server where the data for the partition is stored.
Server Returns a reference to the DSO.Server object.
SourceTable The name of the fact table for the partition.
SourceTableAlias The alias of the source table for the partition.
SourceTableFilter Contains the WHERE clause of the SQL statement used to determine which source table rows are to be included in the partition.
State Returns an enumeration constant that indicates the difference between the partition object referenced by the client application and corresponding partition on the Analysis server.
SubClassType Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the subclass type of the object.

See Also


MDStore Interface