Analysis Services Programming

Properties, clsDatabaseDimension

An object of ClassType clsDatabaseDimension implements the following properties of the Dimension interface.

Property Description
AllowSiblingsWithSameName Indicates whether a parent-child dimension can contain members with identical names.
AreMemberKeysUnique Indicates whether member keys are unique within the dimension.
AreMemberNamesUnique Indicates whether member names are unique within the dimension.
ClassType Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the specific object type.
DataMemberCaptionTemplate Contains a template string that is used to create captions for system-generated data members.
DataSource The name of the object of ClassType clsDataSource used by the database dimension.
DefaultMember Defines the default member of the dimension.
DependsOnDimension Names a dimension to which the current dimension is related.
Description The description of the database dimension.
DimensionType Returns an enumeration constant identifying the specific type of dimension.
EnableRealTimeUpdates Indicates whether real-time updates are enabled for the dimension.
FromClause The SQL FROM clause for a database dimension.
IsChanging Indicates whether members and/or levels are expected to change on a regular basis.
IsReadWrite Indicates whether end users that have appropriate permissions can write back to dimensions.
IsShared Indicates whether the database dimension is shared.
IsTemporary Indicates whether the database dimension should be permanently stored in the repository.
IsValid Indicates whether the structure of the database dimension is valid.
IsVirtual Indicates whether the database dimension is virtual.
JoinClause The SQL JOIN clause for the dimension.
LastProcessed The date and time when the database dimension was last processed.
LastUpdated A user-specified date. This property is not used by Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services.
MembersWithData Determines which members in a dimension can have associated data in the fact table.
Name The name of the database dimension.
OrdinalPosition Returns the ordinal position of the dimension object within its parent object's Dimensions collection.
Parent Returns a reference to the parent MDStore object.
SourceTable The name of the primary table of the database dimension.
SourceTableAlias Returns the alias of the source table for the database dimension.
SourceTableFilter Restricts members that are included in a dimension.
State Indicates the difference between the dimension object referenced by the client application and the corresponding dimension on the Analysis server.
StorageMode Determines how the contents of a cube's dimensions are stored.
SubClassType Returns an enumeration constant that identifies the subclass type of the object.

See Also

Dimension Interface