Analysis Services Programming

AreMemberNamesUnique (Dimension Interface)

The AreMemberNamesUnique property of the Dimension interface determines whether member names are unique throughout the dimension.

Applies To





Data Type



Access depends on the value of the ClassType property of the object.

Class type Access
ClsDatabaseDimension R/W
ClsCubeDimension R
ClsPartitionDimension R
ClsAggregationDimension R


This property can be set to True only if the AreMemberNamesUnique property is set to True for all of the levels in the dimension.

If AreMemberNamesUnique is set to False, each member name is assumed to be unique only among the siblings of that member. In this case, the unique name of a member includes the names of its ancestors to ensure uniqueness throughout the dimension. If AreMemberNamesUnique is set to True, each member name is assumed to be unique throughout the entire dimension. In this case, the unique name of the member includes the dimension name and the member name.

Note  Setting AreMemberNamesUnique to True is important in changing dimensions to preserve the identity of members in calculated members on other persistent expressions. For example, if a product [Product 1] is moved from [Category A] to [Category B], the old name [Products].[Category A].[Product 1] is no longer valid. However, if AreMemberNamesUnique is set to True, the unique name remains [Products].[Product 1] and is valid before and after the change.

The following table provides examples for each setting of AreMemberNamesUnique.

AreMemberNamesUnique Member names
False [Product].[All Products].[Drink].[Beverages]
[Regions].[All Regions].[Asia]
True [Product].[Beverages]

' Assume the existence of a database dimension named dsoDim.
dsoDim.AreMemberNamesUnique = True

See Also



Dimension Interface