Analysis Services

Specify Data Source and Fact Table (Partition Wizard)

In this step of the wizard, you select the data source and fact table for your partition. The data source and fact table used by the cube are displayed by default. If they also contain the data for your partition, click Next.

You can select a data source and/or fact table different from those used by the cube.


Data source

View the data source your new partition will use.

Fact table

View the fact table your new partition will use.


Click to display the Choose a Fact Table dialog box, where you can select a new data source and fact table. If you select a different fact table, it must have the same structure and columns as the cube's fact table.

The required dimension tables are

View a list of the dimension tables your data source must contain. If you select a different data source, it must contain fact and dimension tables with the same structure and columns as the cube's data source.

See Also

Introduction to Partitions

Managing Partitions