Analysis Services

Updating and Rebuilding Shared Dimensions

After you update a shared dimension or its table, you must process it. You can process a shared dimension in the following ways:

Exceptions are changing dimensions, which do not always require processing by the second method after changes to the dimension's structure or changes to member relationships. Changing dimensions include virtual, parent-child, and relational OLAP (ROLAP) dimensions. For more information, see Changing Dimensions.

Important  When a shared dimension is processed with the Rebuild the dimension structure option, all cubes that incorporate the shared dimension immediately become unavailable to users and must be processed before they can be used again.

Caution  If a shared dimension's structure is updated and saved but not processed, it will automatically be processed when any cube incorporating the dimension is processed. At that time any other cubes that incorporate the dimension immediately become unavailable to users and must be processed before they can be used again.

To incrementally update a shared dimension or rebuild a shared dimension's structure, use the Process a Dimension and Process dialog boxes.

To incrementally update a shared dimension

Analysis Manager

Analysis Manager

To rebuild the structure of a shared dimension

Analysis Manager

Analysis Manager

After you process a shared dimension using the Rebuild the dimension structure option, you must process all of the cubes that include the dimension. For more information, see Processing Cubes.