Analysis Services

Changing Dimensions

A changing dimension is a dimension that is optimized for frequent changes. A changing dimension permits more types of changes without the subsequent necessity of fully processing the dimension or the cubes that contain it. Full dimension processing interrupts access by end users to any cube including the dimension. Full cube processing also interrupts end users' access to cubes if the cube processing includes full dimension processing. Thus, a changing dimension has the potential advantage of less frequent interruptions of end users' access.

Making a regular dimension into a changing dimension can be beneficial if its table is updated frequently, at unpredictable times, or while end users are connected to cubes that include the dimension. However, making the dimension a changing dimension is advisable only if end users must see these updates soon after they are made. If there is no pressing need to incorporate the dimension table updates in cubes, it is generally better to leave the dimension a non-changing dimension and to process it and the cubes that use it while end users are not connected to the Analysis server.

The following varieties of dimensions are always changing dimensions:

Although changing dimensions can provide greater accessibility than non-changing dimensions, queries that use changing dimensions are somewhat slower.

In a changing dimension, levels below the top level and above the bottom level can be added, moved, renamed, and deleted, and there is no subsequent processing requirement. (The relevant dimension and cube data is updated automatically when the dimension is saved.) An exception is the addition of a level that contains member groups. For more information, see Creating Member Groups.

Processing Requirements

The processing requirements for member updates vary depending on whether the changing dimension is shared or private.

Write-enabled dimensions whose members are updated in Analysis Manager or through client applications are exceptions; these dimensions and the cubes that contain them do not require subsequent processing.

Creation Requirements

Before you make a changing dimension, unless the dimension is a virtual dimension or a parent-child dimension, be sure that it meets the following requirements:

To make a dimension a changing dimension, set its Changing property to True in the properties pane of Dimension Editor (if the dimension is shared) or Cube Editor (if the dimension is private).