Analysis Services


A dimension is an organized hierarchy of categories, known as levels, that describes data in data warehouse fact tables. Dimensions typically describe a similar set of members upon which the user wants to base an analysis, and they are a fundamental component of cubes. The following topics provide a basic conceptual overview of dimensions.

Topic Description
Introduction to Dimensions Provides an overview of the basic concepts of dimensions
Dimension Structure Describes structural elements of dimensions
Dimension Storage Modes Describes the differences in how dimensions are stored and settings to determine the dimension storage mode
Dimension Processing Provides information about the methods available for processing dimensions
Dimension Hierarchies Provides information about the different ways dimension members can be positioned relative to each other
Ragged Dimension Support Contains information about how Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services can handle missing members in relation to dimension hierarchies
Dimension Characteristics Describes different dimension characteristics and the dimension varieties that support them
Shared and Private Dimensions Describes the basic differences between shared and private dimensions and their uses
Changing Dimensions Describes changing dimensions, their uses, and requirements
Dependent Dimensions Describes the creation of dependent dimensions and identifies their advantages and restrictions
Write-Enabled Dimensions Describes the creation of write-enabled dimensions and identifies their advantages and restrictions
Balanced and Unbalanced Hierarchies Describes and depicts differences between balanced and unbalanced hierarchies
Ragged Hierarchies Details ragged hierarchies, their uses, and supported dimension varieties
Dimension Varieties Describes and depicts differences between dimension varieties
Regular Dimensions Provides information about regular dimensions and their variations
Virtual Dimensions Describes the creation of virtual dimensions and their advantages and restrictions
Virtual Dimensions Created in Version 7.0 Identifies compatibility issues between virtual dimensions created in SQL Server version 7.0 OLAP Services and SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services
Parent-Child Dimensions Describes the creation of parent-child dimensions and identifies their advantages and restrictions
Data Mining Dimensions Describes the creation of data mining dimensions and identifies advantages and restrictions to their use