Installing SQL Server

Installing English Query

English Query is a development tool that works with Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000. Using English Query, you can create applications that allow users to query a SQL Server database or an Analysis Services database in English. For example, users can ask, "How many widgets were sold in Washington last year?" instead of using the SQL statements:

SELECT sum(Orders.Quantity) FROM Orders, Parts
WHERE Orders.State='WA'
   AND Datepart(Orders.Purchase_Date,'Year')='1999'
   AND Parts.PartName='widget'
   AND Orders.Part_ID=Parts.Part_ID 

When you install English Query, English Query is added to the Microsoft SQL Server program group on the Start menu. English Query contains these shortcuts:

If English Query is not installed with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, the Help system will access English Query Books Online, Eqdoc.chm, instead of SQL Server Books Online, SQL80.col. However, both documentation files contain essentially the same material about English Query and both provide context-sensitive (F1) Help for English Query. Regardless of the installation scenario, English Query Books Online is available from the English Query program group.

Installation Requirements for English Query are:

To install English Query

SQL Setup

SQL Setup

See Also

English Query Overview