English Query

English Query Overview

The English Query documentation contains these principal sections.

Section Description
English Query Tutorials Provides step-by-step instructions for creating and building English Query models. The tutorials are available from the English Query Start menu or from the Microsoft® Visual Studio® Help menu when an English Query project is opened. It is recommended that you complete the tutorials prior to developing your own English Query application.
What's New in English Query Describes the new features in English Query.
English Query Fundamentals Provides a basic description of English Query.
Developing and Deploying English Query Applications Provides information about English Query models and command relationships, database normalization requirements, updating, replacing, testing and compiling models, and deploying the application to the Web.
Sample Applications and Client Interfaces Describes where you can locate the sample applications included with English Query.
Analysis Services in English Query Describes integrating Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services with English Query.
Object Model Reference Describes the Authoring, Engine, and Question Builder object models.
How To Provides step-by-step instructions for tasks you can accomplish using English Query.
English Query User Interface Help Reference Describes the shortcut keys, wizards, editors and windows, dialog boxes, icons, and buttons used in English Query.