English Query

Semantic Properties Tab (Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to define the entities in a model.


Is a subentity of

Specify an entity from which this entity inherits relationships. Available only if a join exists from the key of this entity's table to the key of the entity table from which the relationships are inherited. For example, click this option to have a salesmanagers entity inherit all the relationships for the salesperson entity. This option ensures that relationships supporting questions such as "List the sales people and their sales last month" will work for "List the sales managers and their sales last month," without having to define the relationship explicitly between salesmanagers and sales.

Load words from

Specify a smaller table or a view from which to load data values into the dictionary for this entity. Available if you select the Add values of this entity to the model check box and if a table is available for selection.

For example, specify a CurrentCustomers view from which to load customer names to avoid loading the larger Customers table.

The Load words from list contains any table that has:

Unknown dates refer to

Specify a relationship that contains a date so that ambiguous questions can be answered correctly. Available only if this entity participates in more than one relationship that involves a date. For example, the question "List the 2000 customers" can be interpreted as "Show the customers who bought products in 2000" or "Show the customers that returned products in 2000." To clarify the interpretation, specify the appropriate relationship. Otherwise, English Query guesses the meaning of the question.

Numerical references are to

Specify a field that contains the intended numerical data in an entity that is represented by a table. For example, the sales entity, which is represented by a sales table, could be used for questions such as "Show the sales for last week." To allow numeric questions such as "List the sales greater than $50" or "Show the total sales for last week," specify which field in the sales table should be used for questions that involve numeric operations like this.

This is a standalone entity

Display data by itself, (without the accompanying data from a related table entity), when returning an answer.

Available only if this entity is represented by fields and does not participate in a name relationship. For example, to display employees' ages only, you'd specify this option for the age entity. Questions such as "What are employees' ages?" returns a list of ages, without employee names.

Sort by

Specify the sort order in which data from this entity is displayed.

Remote fields

Specify the fields from other tables to show whenever this entity is displayed. Available only when the entity is one requested by a table with joins to other tables.

The table associated with the entity must have a join to the table containing the remote field.

Add Field

Display the Select Remote Fields dialog box, where you select fields from other tables. Add a field by selecting the remote table and field you want displayed when the entity is displayed. To remove a field from the display list, select it in the Selected fields box and click DELETE.

Note  The table associated with the entity must have a join to the table containing the remote field.

See Also

Add/Edit Entity Default Dialog Box

Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box

Advanced Tab (Table/New Table Dialog Box)

Buttons Used in English Query

Entity Defaults Tab (Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box)

Entity/New Entity Dialog Box

How to add a join

Name Synonyms Tab (Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box)

New Dictionary Entry Dialog Box

Select Remote Fields Dialog Box