English Query

New Dictionary Entry Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify additional words to include in the English Query dictionary.

The English Query dictionary includes thousands of common English words, and provides your English Query application with the terminology it needs to answer most questions posed in English. Add new words to the dictionary if the application requires specialized terms that are not known by English Query.

Creating entities with synonyms and relationships will provide most of the vocabulary the system requires. Create a dictionary entry if the word being defined is not associated with a particular entity or relationship.


Dictionary entry type

Specify an entry as a main word or a synonym for a word that already exists in the dictionary.

Define word

Define irregular forms of words that are not known to English Query. For example, the irregular plural form of person is people, and the irregular past tense form of shoot is shot.

Read synonym

Indicate that a word be interpreted the same way as another word when a query is received from a user.

This option is global and overrides any synonyms set in the Name Synonyms tab. For example, if you set this option to read "ship" as "boat," the question "How many boats sailed last week?" would be interpreted as "How many ships sailed last week." But it would incorrectly interpret, "How many widgets did we ship last week?" as "How many widgets did we boat last week?" In this case, it is better to add the synonym "ship" to the primary entity word, "boat", in the Entity/New Entity dialog box.

Write synonym

Indicate that an alternative word be used in the response to a query.

For example, click Write: employees as: associates to specify that if a question has been received about employees, the response can use the term associates instead.

See Also

Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box

Entity/New Entity Dialog Box

Name Synonyms Tab (Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box)