DTS Programming

DTS Scripting Reference

This section documents the objects and collections, and their properties and methods, that are provided by the Data Transformation Services (DTS) data pump for the scripts of Microsoft® ActiveX® Script transformations. They can also be referenced in custom transformations implemented in Microsoft Visual C++® and the C language. The data pump is the engine for the Transform Data task, the Data Driven Query task, and the Parallel Data Pump task.

These objects and collections can generally not be used in the scripts associated with the ActiveX Script task or with DTS package steps. Moreover, the name you use within an ActiveX Script transformation is generally different from the object name. This table specifies the names to be used within scripts, the types of scripts in which they are valid, and a reference to the underlying object.

Scripting Name Validity Reference
DTSErrorRecords ActiveX Script transformations DTSErrorRecords Collection
DTSGlobalVariables All DTS ActiveX scripts GlobalVariables Collection
DTSLookups ActiveX Script transformations DTSDataPumpLookups Collection
DTSPackageLog ActiveX Script tasks PackageLog Object
ActiveX Script transformations DTSDataPumpColumns Collection
DTSTransformPhaseInfo ActiveX Script transformations DTSTransformPhaseInfo Object

To reference any other object in the DTS object model hierarchy from an ActiveX script, use DTSGlobalVariables.Parent to return a reference to the Package2 object, from which you can reference any other object in the hierarchy. For example, to cause a step named DTSStep_DTSBulkInsertTask_1 to execute again after it has already completed execution, set:

DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Steps("DTSStep_DTSBulkInsertTask_1").ExecutionStatus = _

See Also

Package2 Object