DTS Programming

Timeout Property

The Timeout property specifies the number of seconds in the time-out period.

Applies To
CreateProcessTask Object CreateProcessTask2 Object


object.Timeout [= value]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
value Number of seconds in the time-out period

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetTimeout(LONG *pRetVal);

HRESULT SetTimeout(LONG NewValue);


A value of 0 (default) indicates no time-out period. Otherwise, the task fails after the time-out period elapses. If the FailPackageOnTimeout property is set, the entire package fails. If the TerminateProcessAfterTimeout property is set, the created process is failed.

See Also

FailPackageOnTimeout Property

TerminateProcessAfterTimeout Property