DTS Programming

FailPackageOnTimeout Property

The FailPackageOnTimeout property specifies whether the Data Transformation Services (DTS) package fails if the task is terminated by the expiration of the time-out period.

Applies To
CreateProcessTask Object CreateProcessTask2 Object


object.FailPackageOnTimeout [= value]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
value Boolean that specifies whether the package fails if the task is terminated by the expiration of the time-out period

Data Type

Variant Boolean



Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetFailPackageOnTimeout(VARIANT_BOOL *pRetVal);

HRESULT SetFailPackageOnTimeout(VARIANT_BOOL NewValue);


The default is TRUE.

The TerminateProcessAfterTimeout property determines if the created process is terminated after the time-out occurs.

See Also

TerminateProcessAfterTimeout Property

Timeout Property