DTS Programming

ProviderID Property

The ProviderID property returns the program ID of the OLE DB provider.

Applies To
Connection Object Connection2 Object



Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetProviderID(BSTR *pRetVal);


A user-implemented OLE DB provider must support the following features if it is to be used with Data Transformation Services (DTS):


This is the interface support that DTS requires.

Interface Requirement
IDBInitialize Necessary.
IDBProperties Necessary.
IDBCreateSession Necessary.
ISessionProperties Necessary.
IDBCreateCommand Optional (for example, used for create table and queries).
IDBInfo Necessary.
IOpenRowset Necessary.
ICommandText Optional (for example, used for create table and queries).
ICommandPrepare Optional (for example, used for create table and queries).
IColumnsInfo Necessary.
IRowset Necessary.
IAccessor Necessary.
ICommandWithParameters Optional. Used for data driven queries.
IDBSchemaRowset Necessary.

In addition to these interfaces, the DTS package requires that a provider have a DataSource property.


These are the schema that DTS requests:

See Also

New (ID) Method