DTS Programming

BatchCompleteFunctionEntry Property

The BatchCompleteFunctionEntry property specifies or returns the name of the script function that is to be called for the OnBatchComplete transformation phase.

Applies To
DTSTransformScriptProperties2 Object


object.BatchCompleteFunctionEntry [= name]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to a DTSTransformScriptProperties2 object
name Name of the script function that supports the OnBatchComplete phase

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT BatchCompleteFunctionEntry(BSTR* pRetVal);

HRESULT BatchCompleteFunctionEntry(BSTR pRetVal);


The OnBatchComplete phase is available only in the DataPumpTask2 object, not in the DataDrivenQueryTask2 or ParallelDataPumpTask objects. The transform is called on success or failure of the batch.

The OnBatchComplete script function has no access to the columns of the DTSSource and DTSDestination collections. The only valid return values are DTSTransformStat_OK and DTSTransformStat_AbortPump.

The property also can be referenced through the TransformServerProperties collection with the following code:

Set transprops = transform.TransformServerProperties
transprops("BatchCompleteFunctionEntry") [= string]

See Also

DataDrivenQueryTask2 Object

DataPumpTask2 Object


FunctionEntry Property

InsertFailureFunctionEntry Property

InsertSuccessFunctionEntry Property

ParallelDataPumpTask Object

PostSourceDataFunctionEntry Property

PreSourceDataFunctionEntry Property

PumpCompleteFunctionEntry Property

TransformFailureFunctionEntry Property