DTS Programming

Edit Method

The Edit method of the CustomTaskUI interface must be supplied by the implementer of a Data Transformation Services (DTS) custom task that has a user interface. It is called by DTS when a user wants to edit properties of the CustomTask object.

Applies To
CustomTaskUI Object

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Sub CustomTaskUI_Edit(ByVal hwndParent As Long )

Part Description
hwndParent Handle to the window to be the parent of the custom task user interface


The Edit method should display the user interface for the custom task, typically a dialog box or property sheet.

The window that is parent to the custom task's user interface window typically is the DTS Designer design sheet or the Microsoft® Visual Studio® development environment desktop.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT Edit(long hwndParent);

See Also

CreateCustomToolTip Method

Delete Method

New (CustomTaskUI) Method