DTS Programming

CreateCustomToolTip Method

The CreateCustomToolTip method creates a ToolTip window for a Data Transformation Services (DTS) custom task.

Applies To
CustomTaskUI Object

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Sub CustomTaskUI_CreateCustomToolTip(
    ByVal hwndParent As Long,
    ByVal x As Long,
    ByVal y As Long,
    plTipWindow As Long )

Part Description
CustomTaskUI Expression that evaluates to a CustomTaskUI interface
HwndParent Handle of window in which ToolTip is to be displayed
X Horizontal coordinate of ToolTip window
Y Vertical coordinate of ToolTip window
PlTipWindow Handle of ToolTip window generated by method


The CreateCustomToolTip method must be implemented by a custom task that is to show custom ToolTips in its user interface. It is called by DTS at the time the ToolTip is to be displayed. CreateCustomToolTip draws the ToolTip window and returns its window handle to DTS in the plTipWindow parameter.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT CreateCustomToolTip(
    long hwndParent,
    long x,
    long y,
    long *plTipWindow);

See Also

Edit Method

Delete Method

New (CustomTaskUI) Method