DTS Programming

GetUIInfo Method

The GetUIInfo method returns top-level user interface information for a Data Transformation Services (DTS) custom task user interface element to its caller. It must be supplied by the implementer of a custom task that has a user interface.

Applies To
CustomTaskUI Object

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Sub CustomTaskUI_GetUIInfo( pbstrToolTip As String, pbstrDescription As String, _
    plVersion As Long, pFlags As DTSCustomTaskUIFlags)

Part Description
pbstrToolTip ToolTip text
PbstrDescription Description of user interface element
PlVersion Reserved for future use
PFlags Value from the DTSCustomTaskUIFlags constants that indicates whether the user interface element has a custom ToolTip

Prototype (C/C++)

    BSTR *pbstrToolTip,
    BSTR *pbstrDescription,
    long *plVersion,
    DTSCustomTaskUIFlags *pFlags);

See Also

CreateCustomToolTip Method
