DTS Programming

OnFinish Event

The OnFinish event indicates completion of a Data Transformation Services (DTS) task or step.

Applies To
Package Object Package2 Object

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Sub objPackage_OnFinish(ByVal EventSource As String)

Part Description
objPackage Object variable of a type specified in the Applies To list.
EventSource Source of event being executed (for example, a step name).


For task types defined by DTS, the EventSource argument specifies a step name. Custom tasks choose what to return for EventSource. When an event is not caused by or associated with a step, the EventSource argument is empty.

If you need to raise this event from a custom task implemented in Microsoft® Visual Basic®, use this syntax:

pPackageEvents.OnFinish EventSource

pPackageEvents is a reference to the package events object, passed in as a parameter of the custom task Execute method that you have implemented.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT OnFinish(BSTR EventSource);

See Also

Execute Method

Handling DTS Events and Errors