The DTSFTPError constants specify codes used to report errors in DTSFTPTask object execution.
Constant | Value | Description |
DTSFTP_E_CancelExecution | 1007 (x03EF) | A cancel execution request was received from the OnQueryCancel event. |
DTSFTP_E_CopyFileError | 1011 (x03F3) | An error occurred copying one of the specified files. |
DTSFTP_E_ExceedeMaximumStringSize | 1001 (x03E9) | A string property value exceeded the maximum allowed size (usually 256 characters). |
DTSFTP_E_FTPExecutionError | 1006 (x03EE) | A reference to the IDTSPackageEvents interface could not be obtained. |
DTSFTP_E_IncorrectOverwriteCBSelect | 1003 (x03EB) | An invalid value for the NonOverwritable property was specified. |
DTSFTP_E_IncorrectRetryTimes | 1004 (x03EC) | An invalid value for the NumRetriesOnSource property was specified. |
DTSFTP_E_InternetConnectionError | 1008 (x03F0) | Connection to the internet using Microsoft® Internet Explorer as agent failed. |
DTSFTP_E_InvalidFileNameProperty | 1012 (x03F4) | An error occurred parsing the SourceFilename property. |
DTSFTP_E_InvalidSourceLocation | 1005 (x03ED0 | An invalid value for the SourceLocation property was specified. |
DTSFTP_E_OutOfMemory | 1010 (x03F2) | A memory allocation for character string data failed. |
DTSFTP_E_SiteConnectionError | 1009 (x03F1) | Connection to the destination site failed, after connection to the internet succeeded. |
DTSFTP_E_TooManyFilesSelected | 1002 (x03EA) | The value used to set the SourceFilename property exceeded the allowed maximum (2000 characters). |