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QBrush Class Reference

The QBrush class defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by a QPainter. More...

#include <qbrush.h>

Inherits Qt.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Detailed Description

The QBrush class defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by a QPainter.

A brush has a style and a color. One of the brush styles is a custom pattern, which is defined by a QPixmap.

The brush style defines the fill pattern. The default brush style is NoBrush (depends on how you construct a brush). This style tells the painter to not fill shapes. The standard style for filling is called SolidPattern.

The brush color defines the color of the fill pattern. The QColor documentation lists the predefined colors.

Use the QPen class for specifying line/outline styles.


    QPainter painter;
    QBrush   brush( yellow );           // yellow solid pattern
    painter.begin( &anyPaintDevice );   // paint something
    painter.setBrush( brush );          // set the yellow brush
    painter.setPen( NoPen );            // do not draw outline
    painter.drawRect( 40,30, 200,100 ); // draw filled rectangle
    painter.setBrush( NoBrush );        // do not fill
    painter.setPen( black );            // set black pen, 0 pixel width
    painter.drawRect( 10,10, 30,20 );   // draw rectangle outline
    painter.end();                      // painting done

See the setStyle() function for a complete list of brush styles.

See also QPainter, QPainter::setBrush() and QPainter::setBrushOrigin().

Examples: drawdemo/drawdemo.cpp picture/picture.cpp

Member Function Documentation

QBrush::QBrush ()

Constructs a default black brush with the style NoBrush (will not fill shapes).

QBrush::QBrush ( BrushStyle style )

Constructs a black brush with the specified style.

See also setStyle().

QBrush::QBrush ( const QColor & color, BrushStyle style=SolidPattern )

Constructs a brush with a specified color and style.

See also setColor() and setStyle().

QBrush::QBrush ( const QColor & color, const QPixmap & pixmap )

Constructs a brush with a specified color and a custom pattern.

The color will only have an effect for monochrome pixmaps, i.e. QPixmap::depth() == 1.

See also setColor() and setPixmap().

QBrush::QBrush ( const QBrush & b )

Constructs a brush which is a shallow copy of b.

QBrush::~QBrush ()

Destructs the brush.

const QColor & QBrush::color () const

Returns the brush color.

See also setColor().

bool QBrush::operator!= ( const QBrush & b ) const

Returns TRUE if the brush is different from b, or FALSE if the brushes are equal.

Two brushes are different if they have different styles, colors or pixmaps.

See also operator==().

QBrush & QBrush::operator= ( const QBrush & b )

Assigns b to this brush and returns a reference to this brush.

bool QBrush::operator== ( const QBrush & b ) const

Returns TRUE if the brush is equal to b, or FALSE if the brushes are different.

Two brushes are equal if they have equal styles, colors and pixmaps.

See also operator!=().

QPixmap * QBrush::pixmap () const

Returns a pointer to the custom brush pattern.

A null pointer is returned if no custom brush pattern has been set.

See also setPixmap().

void QBrush::setColor ( const QColor & c )

Sets the brush color to c.

See also color() and setStyle().

Examples: picture/picture.cpp

void QBrush::setPixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap )

Sets the brush pixmap. The style is set to CustomPattern.

The current brush color will only have an effect for monochrome pixmaps, i.e. QPixmap::depth() == 1.

See also pixmap() and color().

void QBrush::setStyle ( BrushStyle s )

Sets the brush style to s.

The brush styles are:

See also style().

BrushStyle QBrush::style () const

Returns the brush style.

See also setStyle().

Related Functions

QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & s, QBrush & b)

Reads a brush from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.

See also Format of the QDataStream operators

QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & s, const QBrush & b)

Writes a brush to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.

See also Format of the QDataStream operators

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