Visual Database Tools

Working with Relationships

A relationship is a type of association between table rows.  For an overview of relationships, see Table Relationships.

For details about working with relationships, see the following topics:

To See
Create relationships between database tables in a database diagram Creating a Relationship Between Tables
Ensure each value entered in a foreign key column matches an existing value in the related primary key column Enforcing Referential Integrity Between Tables
Link a column in a table with another column in the same table Drawing a Single-Table Reflexive Relationship
Create a many-to-many relationship Mapping Many-to-Many Relationships to a Database Diagram
Change the name of a relationship Renaming a Relationship
Remove the relationship between two tables Deleting a Relationship
Disable a foreign key constraint Disabling a Foreign Key Constraint with INSERT and UPDATE Statements and Disabling a Foreign Key Constraint for Replication