The following fundamental operations apply to most or all queries.
To | See |
Create a new query | Creating a Query |
Add a table, view, or any other column source to a query | Adding Tables |
Remove a column source from a query | Removing Tables |
Add a column to a query | Adding Columns |
Remove a column from the query output | Removing Columns from Query Output |
Remove a column from the query | Removing Columns from the Query |
Change the order of columns in query output | Reordering Output Columns |
Create column aliases in a query | Creating Column Aliases |
Create table aliases in a query | Creating Table Aliases |
Verify a query | Verifying a Query |
Add comments to a query | Commenting a Query |
Execute a query | Executing a Query |
Stop a query | Stopping a Query |
Clear query results | Clearing Query Results |
Print query results | Printing Query Results |
Order result rows of a query | Ordering Query Results |