You can create a query result in which each result row corresponds to an entire group of rows from the original data. When collapsing rows, there are several things to keep in mind:
SELECT city, state
FROM authors
The result set generated by the preceding query is not very useful. If a city contains four authors, the result set will include four identical rows. Since the result set does not include any columns other than city and state, there is no way to distinguish the identical rows from each other. One way to avoid such duplicate rows is to include additional columns that can make the rows different. For example, if you include author name, each row will be different (provided no two like-named authors live within any one city). The resulting SQL might look like this:
SELECT city, state, fname, minit, lname
FROM authors
Of course, the preceding query eliminates the symptom, but does not really solve the problem. That is, the result set has no duplicates, but it is no longer a result set about cities. To eliminate duplicates in the original result set, and still have each row describe a city, you can create a query returning only distinct rows. The resulting SQL might look like this:
FROM authors
For details about eliminating duplicates, see Excluding Duplicate Rows.
SELECT city, state, COUNT(*)
FROM authors
GROUP BY city, state
For details about calculating on groups of rows, see Aggregate Functions and Querying on Groups of Rows.
SELECT city, state, COUNT(*)
FROM authors
GROUP BY city, state
For details about applying selection criteria on groups of rows, see Specifying Conditions for Groups and Using HAVING and WHERE Clauses in the Same Query.