Contains one row for each Microsoft® Windows user, Windows group, Microsoft SQL Server™ user, or SQL Server role in the database.
Column name | Data type | Description |
uid | smallint | User ID, unique in this database. 1 is the database owner. |
status | smallint | For internal use only. |
name | sysname | Username or group name, unique in this database. |
sid | varbinary(85) | Security identifier for this entry. |
roles | varbinary(2048) | For internal use only. |
createdate | datetime | Date the account was added. |
updatedate | datetime | Date the account was last changed. |
altuid | smallint | For internal use only. |
password | varbinary(256) | For internal use only. |
gid | smallint | Group ID to which this user belongs. If uid = gid, this entry defines a group. |
environ | varchar(255) | Reserved. |
hasdbaccess | int | 1, if the account has database access. |
islogin | int | 1, if the account is a Windows group, Windows user, or SQL Server user with a login account. |
isntname | int | 1, if the account is a Windows group or Windows user. |
isntgroup | int | 1, if the account is a Windows group. |
isntuser | int | 1, if the account is a Windows user. |
issqluser | int | 1, if the account is a SQL Server user. |
isaliased | int | 1, if the account is aliased to another user. |
issqlrole | int | 1, if the account is a SQL Server role. |
isapprole | int | 1, if the account is an application role. |