Updates information about an existing log shipping plan.
sp_update_log_shipping_plan [@plan_id =] plan_id,
[@plan_name =] 'plan_name',
[@description =] 'description',
[@source_server =] 'source_server',
[@source_dir =] 'source_dir',
[@destination_dir =] 'destination_dir',
[@copy_job_id =] copy_job_id,
[@load_job_id =] load_job_id,
[@history_retention_period =] history_retention_period,
[@file_retention_period =] file_retention_period
[@plan_id =] plan_id
Is the identification number of the plan to which the database belongs. plan_id is uniqueidentifier, with a default of NULL.
[@plan_name =] 'plan_name'
Is the name of the plan to which the database belongs. plan_name is sysname, with a default of null.
Note Either plan_id or plan_name must be specified, not both.
[@description =] 'description'
Is the description of the plan. description is nvarchar(500), with a default of NULL.
[@source_server =] 'source_server'
Is the name of the source server. source_server is sysname, with a default of NULL.
[@source_dir =] 'source_dir'
Is the full path to the directory from where the transaction log files will be copied. source_dir is nvarchar(500), with a default of NULL.
[@destination_dir =] 'destination_dir'
Is the directory to which the transaction log files will be copied. destination_dir is nvarchar(500), with a default of NULL.
[@copy_job_id =] copy_job_id
Is the job ID of the copy job. copy_job_id is uniqueidentifier, with a default of NULL.
[@load_job_id =] load_job_id
Is the job ID of the load job. load_job_id is uniqueidentifier, with a default of NULL.
[@history_retention_period =] history_retention_period
Is the length of time in minutes in which the history will be retained. history_retention_period is int, with a default of NULL.
[@file_retention_period =] file_retention_period
Is the length of time the transaction log files will be retained after they are copied. file_retention_period is int, with a default of NULL.
0 (success) or 1 (failure)
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can execute sp_update_log_shipping_plan.
This example updates the plan "Pubs database backup" with a new destination directory and file retention period.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_log_shipping_plan
@plan_name = N'Pubs database backup',
@destination_dir = N'e:\log shipping',
@history_retention_period = 4320