Shows the types of replication options enabled for a server. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database.
sp_helpreplicationoption [ [ @optname =] 'option_name' ]
[@optname =] 'option_name'
Is the name of the replication option to query for. option_name is sysname, with a default of NULL. If NULL, then the result set will contain all types of replication options activated on that database. If transactional, the result set will contain information only about the transactional publication. If merge, the result set will contain information about the merge publication only.
Column name | Data type | Description |
optname | sysname | Name of the replication option type. |
value | bit | For internal use only. |
major_version | int | For internal use only. |
minor_version | int | For internal use only. |
revision | int | For internal use only. |
install_failures | int | For internal use only. |
sp_helpreplicationoption is used to get information on transactional replication and merge replication on a particular server. To get information on a particular database, use sp_helpreplicationdboption.
Execute permissions default to the public role.