Reports a list of alerts for a given operator or a list of operators for a given alert.
sp_help_notification [ @object_type = ] 'object_type' ,
[ @name = ] 'name' ,
[ @enum_type = ] 'enum_type' ,
[ @notification_method = ] notification_method
[ , [ @target_name = ] 'target_name' ]
[@object_type =] 'object_type'
Is the type of information to be returned. object_type is char(9), with no default. object_type can be ALERTS, which lists the alerts assigned to the supplied operator name, or OPERATORS, which lists the operators responsible for the supplied alert name.
[@name =] 'name'
Is either an alert name (if object_type is ALERTS) or an operator name (if object_type is OPERATORS). name is sysname, with no default.
[@enum_type =] 'enum_type'
Is the object_type information that is returned. enum_type is ACTUAL in most cases. enum_type is char(10), with no default, and can be one of these values.
Value | Description |
ACTUAL | Lists only the object_types associated with name. |
ALL | Lists all the object_types including those that are not associated with name. |
TARGET | Lists only the object_types matching the supplied target_name, regardless of association with name. |
[@notification_method =] notification_method
Is a numeric value that determines the notification method columns to return. notification_method is tinyint, and can be one of the following values.
Value | Description |
1 | E-mail: returns only the use_email column. |
2 | Pager: returns only the use_pager column. |
4 | NetSend: returns only the use_netsend column. |
7 | All: returns all columns. |
[@target_name =] 'target_name'
Is an alert name to search for (if object_type is ALERTS) or an operator name to search for (if object_type is OPERATORS). target_name is needed only if enum_type is TARGET. target_name is sysname, with a default of NULL.
0 (success) or 1 (failure)
If object_type is ALERTS, the result set lists all the alerts for a given operator.
Column name | Data type | Description |
alert_id | int | Alert identifier number. |
alert_name | sysname | Alert name. |
use_email | int | E-mail is used to notify the operator:
1 = Yes |
use_pager | int | Pager is used to notify operator:
1 = Yes |
use_netsend | int | Network pop-up is used to notify the operator:
1 = Yes |
has_email | int | Number of e-mail notifications sent for this alert. |
has_pager | int | Number of pager notifications sent for this alert. |
has_netsend | int | Number of netsend notifications sent for this alert. |
If object_type is OPERATORS, the result set lists all the operators for a given alert.
Column name | Data type | Description |
operator_id | int | Operator identification number. |
operator_name | sysname | Operator name. |
use_email | int | E-mail is used to send notification of the operator:
1 = Yes |
use_pager | int | Pager is used to send notification of the operator:
1 = Yes |
use_netsend | int | Is a network pop-up used to notify the operator:
1 = Yes |
has_email | int | Operator has an e-mail address:
1 = Yes |
has_pager | int | Operator has a pager address:
1 = Yes |
This stored procedure must be run from the msdb database.
Permissions to execute this procedure default to the sysadmin fixed server role and the db_owner fixed database role, who can grant permissions to other users.
This example returns all alerts for which the operator John Doe receives any kind of notification.
USE msdb
EXEC sp_help_notification 'ALERTS', 'John Doe', 'ACTUAL', 7
This example returns all operators who receive any kind of notification for the Test Alert alert.
USE msdb
EXEC sp_help_notification 'OPERATORS', 'Test Alert', 'ACTUAL', 7