Lists all rows in the sysdownloadlist system table for the supplied job, or all rows if no job is specified.
sp_help_downloadlist [ [ @job_id = ] job_id | [ @job_name = ] 'job_name' ]
[ , [ @operation = ] 'operation' ]
[ , [ @object_type = ] 'object_type' ]
[ , [ @object_name = ] 'object_name' ]
[ , [ @target_server = ] 'target_server' ]
[ , [ @has_error = ] has_error ]
[ , [ @status = ] status ]
[ , [ @date_posted = ] date_posted ]
[@job_id =] job_id
Is the job identification number for which to return information. job_id is uniqueidentifier, with a default of NULL.
[@job_name =] 'job_name'
Is the name of the job. job_name is sysname, with a default of NULL.
[@operation =] 'operation'
Is the valid operation for the specified job. operation is varchar(64), with a default of NULL, and can be one of these values.
Value | Description |
DEFECT | Server operation that requests the target server to defect from the Master SQLServerAgent service. |
DELETE | Job operation that removes an entire job. |
INSERT | Job operation that inserts an entire job or refreshes an existing job. This operation includes all job steps and schedules, if applicable. |
RE-ENLIST | Server operation that causes the target server to resend its enlistment information, including the polling interval and time zone to the multiserver domain. The target server also redownloads the MSXOperator details. |
SET-POLL | Server operation that sets the interval, in seconds, for target servers to poll the multiserver domain. If specified, value is interpreted as the required interval value, and can be a value from 10 to 28,800. |
START | Job operation that requests the start of job execution. |
STOP | Job operation that requests the stop of job execution. |
SYNC-TIME | Server operation that causes the target server to synchronize its system clock with the multiserver domain. Because this is a costly operation, perform this operation on a limited, infrequent basis. |
UPDATE | Job operation that updates only the sysjobs information for a job, not the job steps or schedules. Is automatically called by sp_update_job. |
[@object_type =] 'object_type'
Is the type of object for the specified job. object_type is varchar(64), with a default of NULL. object_type can be either JOB or SERVER. For more information about valid object_type values, see sp_add_category.
[@object_name =] 'object_name'
Is the name of the object. object_name is sysname, with a default of NULL. If object_type is JOB, object_name is the job name. If object_type is SERVER, object_name is the server name.
[@target_server =] 'target_server'
Is the name of the target server. target_server is varchar(30), with a default of NULL.
[@has_error =] has_error
Is whether the job should acknowledge errors. has_error is tinyint, with a default of NULL, which indicates no errors should be acknowledged. 1 indicates that all errors should be acknowledged.
[@status =] status
Is the status for the job. status is tinyint, with a default value of NULL.
[@date_posted =] date_posted
Is the date and time for which all entries made on or after the specified date and time should be included in the result set. date_posted is datetime, with a default of NULL.
0 (success) or 1 (failure)
Column name | Data type | Description |
instance_id | int | Unique integer identification number of the instruction. |
source_server | nvarchar(30) | Computer name of the server the instruction came from. In Microsoft® SQL Server™ 7.0, this is always the computer name of the master (MSX) server. |
operation_code | nvarchar(4000) | Operation code for the instruction. |
object_name | sysname | Object affected by the instruction. |
object_id | uniqueidentifier | Identification number of the object affected by the instruction (job_id for a job object, or 0x00 for a server object) or a data value specific to the operation_code. |
target_server | nvarchar(30) | Target server that this instruction is to be downloaded by. |
error_message | nvarchar(1024) | Error message (if any) from the target server if it encountered a problem while processing this instruction. NOTE: Any error message blocks all further downloads by the target server. |
date_posted | datetime | Date the instruction was posted to the table. |
date_downloaded | datetime | Date the instruction was downloaded by the target server. |
Status | tinyint | Status of the job:
0 = Not yet downloaded |
Permissions to execute this procedure default to the sysadmin fixed server role or the db_owner fixed database role, who can grant permissions to other users.
This example lists rows in the sysdownloadlist for the Weekly Sales Data Backup job.
USE msdb
EXEC sp_help_downloadlist @job_name='Weekly Sales Data Backup', @operation='UPDATE',
@object_name='Weekly Sales Backup',