Associates a database with a maintenance plan.
sp_add_maintenance_plan_db [ @plan_id = ] 'plan_id' ,
[ @db_name = ] 'database_name'
[@plan_id =] 'plan_id'
Specifies the plan ID of the maintenance plan. plan_id is uniqueidentifier, and must be a valid ID.
[@db_name =] 'database_name'
Specifies the name of the database to be added to the maintenance plan. The database must be created or exist prior to its addition to the plan. database_name is sysname.
0 (success) or 1 (failure)
sp_add_maintenance_plan_db must be run from the msdb database.
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can execute sp_add_maintenance_plan_db.
This example adds the Northwind database to the maintenance plan created in sp_add_maintenance_plan.
Execute sp_add_maintenance_plan_db N'FAD6F2AB-3571-11D3-9D4A-00C04FB925FC',N'Northwind'